Kittens in box

Kattunger - Til salgs

Antall unger: 2
Født: 20/3-10
Farge(r): Viltfarget
Kjønn: Hanner
Kullets far: IC Stian von Terp, ABY a - Blå
Kullets mor: ReyjaS Miss Wimzy, ABY n - Viltfarget
Leveringsklare: 20. juni

Kitten with milkbottle

Kitten with milkbottle

Kattunger - VENTES

No kittens expected at the moment

Kitten with stork

Kattunger - PLANLEGGES

No kittens planned at the moment

Mom and kittens

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Mom and kittens2

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Sist oppdatert: 17th of June '10
© WebMaster/Design: Reidun Svenssen - 4th of May 2004

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